Our yearly visit to Chanticleer Gardens

Today Jan and I went to pay our yearly visit to Chanticleer Garden with Dick and Ann Rosenberg for company. As always we had an enjoyable time seeing new plants, admiring the garden plantings and wonderful plant combinations and seeing friends who work there whom we know through the Rock Garden Society. We were warmly greeted at the entrance by Laura Aiken and we chatted briefly with Yvonne England and Joe Henderson.

There was a very light drizzle when we arrived but it stopped as we got out of the car. The fine drops elegantly decorated many of the flowers and leaves.

Pictures in sort of in the order shown (The pictures are fighting it out and don't want to go where I want them to in this post tonight! I will continue the fight tomorrow. )(I'm winning, I think)(I WON!):

1) A Chanticleer (a Rooster)

2) Looking into the Teacup Garden

3) The Teacup Garden

4) Monarda punctata

5) Hydrangea serrata 'Preziosa'

6) Rhododendron prunifolium

7) Russelia equisetiformis

8) Liatris squarrosa

9) Cuphea sp.

10 ) Selaginella braunii
(Which has been hardy for them for 5 years)

11) an Anigozanthos sp. (Kangaroo Paw) flower

12) Sporobolis
heterolepis (Prairie Dropseed) near the Ruin Garden.

13) Pseudogynoxis chinopodioides (a climbing composite) on a large Agave sp. in the Tea Cup Garden.

14) Tweedia caerulea
, 3 pictures Flower leeaf and seedpod showing it is in the Milkweed Family, Asclepidae. In the Tea Cup Garden.

15) Cotinus sp. (
Smoke Tree)

16) A very large flowered Aristolochia sp.

17) a red-veined Swiss
Chard Leaf


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